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App Description

This application will allows users of our system to send short messages between users. If the user is holding a scrap device with IM currently running, messages will instantaneously appear. If the user is currently not online, the message will be queued up, waiting to read the next the user logs on.
Description of interface

The application's main dialog box will contain a list of all users within the network. We do not distinguish between users that are online or offline. This was intended to simplify our application. If we maintained a separate list of online and offline users, the server would need to broadcast to all users when users log on and log off the system.
Sending a message

This can be done in two methods. The first method requires the user to select a person and press the send button. The second method allows the user to double click on the the persons name. The only restriction with this method is that there must NOT be an messages queued for that person.
Receiving a message

This is very similar to sending a message and can be done in two methods. The first method requires the user to select a person and press the receive button. The second method allows the user to double click on the persons name. Again the restriction is that there MUST be message queued up for that person.
Updated On
Nov 11, 2017

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