10 Commandments LCNZ Bible Quiz

Life Coach New Zealand
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10 Commandments LCNZ Bible Quiz

Life Coach New Zealand
Contains ads


App Description

10 Commandments LCNZ Bible Quiz

This 10 Commandments quiz has been designed as a fun and engaging way to help you test your knowledge on the important bible scriptures that relate to the ten commandments.

Do you know the ten commandments?

Do you know what order they go in?

Do you know where in the bible they are?

A great bible study tool to test your knowledge on the 10 Commandments.

The Quiz has 3 Category’s and is multi-choice.

The first set of questions tests if you know the order of the 10 Commandments.

The second set tests your bible knowledge even deeper and see’s if you know the corresponding verse number in Exodus for each commandment.

The third and Expert level tests your general knowledge around the 10 Commandments.

Have a go today and see if you can get 100%
Updated On
Jul 15, 2019

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