الأناشيد النهضية مع ترجمه

Muhammad Ayatullah Firman Aulia
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الأناشيد النهضية مع ترجمه

Muhammad Ayatullah Firman Aulia
Contains ads

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App Description

Examples of songs:________________________TA'SIS NAHDLATUL WATHANAntiya pancor biladi (O Pancor, you are my country)Antu'unwanul kamali (You are the symbol of perfection)Kullumayya'tiki yauma (Everyone who visits you)Zairon yalkon nawali (Pilgrimage to get blessings)Yabani wathani yajiddu (O my people, rise up! Don't be complacent!)Wasyharu tulallayali (And stay awake all night!)Wathani ruhi fida'u (Oh my land, my soul is a ransom for you)Lakimingkulli dholali (From every error)Ayyuhal Islamu shukro (O Muslims, be grateful (all the blessings of Allah)!)Innakum ahlul ma'ali (Indeed you are experts in virtue)Jarridul 'izza li idro (Set the might)Kilkamali wal 'amali (To achieve goals and victory)Hadzihi madrosatul 'iz (This is the glorious Madrasa, the symbol of perfection)Ziwaun wanul kamali (Everyone who fulfills his calling)Kullumallabbamu nadi (For him there is no regret and ignorance)Memorize yashal wabali________________________This.Very sad.Yes, he, Mr. Maulana Shaykh, seems to feel pain, uncomfortable and weaned without any strings attached to the past that was so cloudy. He just didn't finish upstream, how could he be expelled from the village of his birth, the village he would fight for with full lamentations. It was as if he wanted to surrender: "O my village of Pancor, I am the one who will fight for you, I am the one who is willing to grieve for you, I am the one who will give his body and soul for you, I am the one who will make you gloriously victorious, but what do you think? you leave the nine that I don't want anyway?"He even quipped that between being the imam of a mosque and building a madrasa was like Fardu Kifayah & Fardu 'Ain, a unity that seemed impossible for him to let go. For weeks and months, many kilometers away, he traveled with his students to experience Friday prayers in Labuhan Hajji. He continued to be patient and tenacious, so that the song "Antia Pancor" was finally engraved as a reminder of the doubts that had crossed his path in the evening so that he and the people could remember that his soul and fighting spirit were like endless abstinence.Can you help share?ال ل الله لى الله ليه لم؛ "من لَّ لى له لُ اعلِه""Whoever points to goodness, he will get a reward like the reward of those who do it"(HR. Muslim no. 1893).️Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/rindu_rosululloh_saw/️Facebook:https://web.facebook.com/muhammad.a.aulia.7503️Play Store:https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Muhammad+Ayatullah+Firman+Aulia️YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQoWSvr3eNh7YjpseqIrPGQ
Contohnya lagu:
Antiya pancor biladi (Wahai Pancor, Engkaulah negeriku)
Antu’unwanul kamali (Engkau-lah lambang kesempurnaan)
Kullumayya’tiki yauma (Setiap orang yang berkunjung padamu)
Zairon yalkon nawali (Berziarah untuk memperoleh barakah)
Yabani wathani yajiddu (Wahai bangsaku, bangkitlah ! jangan terlena !)
Wasyharu tulallayali (Dan berjagalah sepanjang malam !)
Wathani ruhi fida’u (Oh negeriku, jiwaku adalah tebusan bagimu)
Lakimingkulli dholali (Dari setiap kesesatan)
Ayyuhal Islamu syukro (Wahai umat islam, syukurilah (segala nikmat Allah) !)
Innakum ahlul ma’ali (Sesungguhnya kalian adalah ahli-ahli kebajikan)
Jarridul ‘izza li idro (Tetapkanlah keperkasaan itu)
Kilkamali wal ‘amali (Untuk mencapai cita dan kemenangan)
Hadzihi madrosatul ‘iz (Inilah Madrasah nan jaya, lambang kesempurnaan)
Ziwaun wanul kamali (Tiap orang yang memenuhi panggilannya)
Kullumallabbamu nadi (Baginya tiada penyesalan dan kebodohan)
Hafala yahsyal wabali
Sangat sedih.
Ya beliau, Bapak Maulana Syaikh agaknya terasa pedih, risih dan tersapih tak berpamrih yang begitu berlabu kelu waktu lalu itu. Beliau hanya tidak habis hulu, kok bisa-bisanya beliau diusir dari desa kelahirannya, desa yang akan beliau perjuangkan dengan tindih keluh penuh.
Seolah-olah beliau ingin bertumpah pasrah: “Wahai desaku pancor, aku ini yang akan meperjuangkanmu, aku ini yang rela berduka nestapa untukmu, aku ini yang akan memberikan jiwa raganya unttukmu, aku ini yang kelak akan membuatmu menjadi jaya gempita, tapi apa rasa sehingga engkau menitipkan sembilu yang takku mau jua?”
Bahkan beliau berlirih bahwa antara menjadi imam Masjid dan membagun Madrasah itu bagaikan Fardu Kifayah & Fardu ‘Ain, sebuah satu kesatuan yang terasa mustahil untuk beliau lepaskan. Berminggu-minggu bulan lamanya, berkilo-kilo jaraknya, beliau tempuh bersama murid-murid beliau untuk merasakan shalat jum’at di Labuhan Hajji. Sabar dan tegar tetap beliau lintarkan sehingga akhirnya terukirlah lagu “Antia Pancor” sebagai pengenang bimbang yang pernah menjalang di jalan pintang kisah petang beliau agar bisa beliau dan orang-orang kenang bahwa jiwa dan semangat juang beliau bak gemitang tak berlekang pantang.
Updated On
Jan 3, 2022

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